Please select the eHR/eMR provider below that you are associated with to see the correct options for your eHR/eMR.
If your EPCS application provider is not listed, you may choose *My Vendor Program is not Listed" and you will be able to choose from a list of certificates.
All IdenTrust solutions for EPCS Prescribing are Two-Factor Authentication DEA Compliant. The NEW EPCS Prescribing with Mobile Authentication allows the prescriber to Approval or Decline prescription(s) on their Mobile Device. Your Digital Certificate is used to securely manage your mobile Device(s) from a PC/Laptop. If you use the Software option you will store your Digital Certificate securely in your browser on your PC/Laptop. This Digital Certificate that is stored in the browser in your PC/Laptop is required whenever you need to manage your mobile device(s). If the Hardware option is selected the HID USB device is required whenever you need to manage your mobile device(s).
The Hardware only option provides a DEA Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) compliant EPCS Prescribing Solution to physically sign your prescriptions with your personal Digital Signature (Certificate) stored on a FIPS 140-2 Compliant HID USB Device. Your personal Digital Certificate is stored on the HID USB device which allows you to securely sign your prescriptions.
The Hardware based EPCS Prescribing Mobile Authentication Solution is DEA 2FA Compliant that allows you to approve or decline your written prescriptions using your mobile device. Your personal Digital Certificate is stored on the HID USB device which allows you to securely manage one or more mobile devices that are able to Approve or Decline prescriptions. With the simple installation of the HID Approve application on your mobile device you are able to approve or decline prescriptions. With this Digital Certificate stored on a HID USB device you are also able to securely sign your prescriptions (If your application has this feature). THIS SOLUTION INCLUDES THE EPCS PRESCRIBING WITH MOBILE AUTHENTICATION FEATURES. You are required to have this HID USB device with your EPCS Prescribing Certificate to manage your Mobile Device(s) on your PC/Laptop.
The Software based EPCS Prescribing Mobile Authentication Solution is DEA 2FA Compliant that allows you to approve or decline your written prescriptions using your mobile device. Your personal Digital Certificate is stored within your secure browser which allows you to securely manage one or more mobile devices that are used to Approve or Decline prescriptions. With the simple installation of the HID Approve application on your mobile device you are able to Approve or Decline prescriptions. THIS SOLUTION INCLUDES THE EPCS PRESCRIBING WITH MOBILE AUTHENTICATION FEATURES. You are required to have your PC/Laptop where you stored your Digital Certificate in the browser to manage your Mobile Device(s).
Select your application provider from the list below, then select NEXT.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Basic Assurance Unaffiliated Software certificates can only be used for identity purposes.
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