Partner Bio
Indian Health Service (IHS)
Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS)
Resource and Patient Management System or RPMS is a decentralized integrated solution for management of both clinical and administrative information in these healthcare facilities. Flexible hardware configurations, over 50 software applications, and network communication components combine to create a comprehensive clinical, financial, and administrative solution; a solution that can stand alone or function in concert with other components as needed. Professionals in American Indian, Alaska Native, and private sector health facilities use RPMS everyday to efficiently manage programs, maximize revenue generation, and most important, to provide high-quality care for patients.
Choosing Your Certificate
Ability to physically sign using a HID USB token with your certificate for EPCS prescribing, you are required to use an IGC Prescribing | Basic Assurance | Individual Identity | Hardware Storage certificate. You can select this certificate option when you choose BUY NOW to access the Certificate Selection Wizard.
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Important Information
In the case where hardware is issued, ONLY THE SUBSCRIBER OF THE CERTIFICATE SHOULD HAVE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THEIR TOKEN – In all cases, THE DIGITAL CERTIFICATE IS YOUR FORM OF IDENTIFICATION, SIMILAR TO YOUR PASSPORT OR DRIVER’S LICENSE. Under the IGC Certificate Policy, it is our responsibility as an Authorized Certification Authority to revoke the certificate in a case of hardware loss or disclosure or compromise of the private key or any certificate related password to anyone other than the subscriber.