Apply Trusted Digital Signatures To Your Documents
IdenTrust digital document signing certificates allow individuals and organizations to replace wet ink signatures and create non-repudiable, legally binding signatures in digital documents. In today’s remote work environment, the use of digital signing businesses can streamline various processes, such as sign off of employee timesheets, approval of financial documents and execution of legal or sales contracts. Digital signatures can be executed remotely using any computer, laptop or other portable device on which the document signing certificate is stored. IdenTrust digital document signing certificates are issued to an individual (e.g. John Doe) or an individual who is affiliated with the sponsoring organization also named in the certificate (e.g. John Doe and IdenTrust Inc.).
IdenTrust digital document signing certificates meet many compliance and regulatory requirements such as the U.S. Federal ESIGN Act.
How It Works

Get your digital certificate on FIPS 140-2 compliance USB device or Smartcard

Digitally sign, using Microsoft Office®, Adobe Acrobat® or other application

Digitally signing is complete!