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River People Health Center (RPHC)

Also Known As


Partner Bio

The River People Health Center is a community of care dedicated to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and wellness of all Native people. The Health Center is located on the southwest quadrant of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community and is affiliated with the Phoenix Indian Medical Center. The new facility is oriented so that patients and their families see Red Mountain, South Mountain, Papago Buttes and Camelback Mountain. These four peaks provide a sense of comfort and healing for the Community. The Health Center provides quality health care that is comprehensive, compassionate, and culturally respectful.

Choosing Your Certificate

For EPCS Prescribing

Ability to physically sign using a HID USB token with your certificate for EPCS prescribing, you are required to use an IGC Prescribing | Basic Assurance | Individual Identity | Hardware Storage certificate. You can select this certificate option when you choose BUY NOW to access the Certificate Selection Wizard.

HID USB Token 

This option requires that the HID USB Token, where your certificate is stored, to be plugged into your computer USB port at the time that you e-prescribe a controlled substance.

  • After selecting BUY NOW, select "IGC Basic Assurance Unaffiliated Hardware - EPCS Prescribing".
  • If you do not have an HID USB token, when prompted with "Please Select the Storage Device for Your Certificate", then select "HID USB Token"; or
  • If you are renewing your certificate and already have an HID USB token, then select HID USB Token use existing".

Important Information

Please note: ONLY THE SUBSCRIBER OF THE CERTIFICATE SHOULD HAVE EXCLUSIVE USE - THE DIGITAL CERTIFICATE IS YOUR FORM OF IDENTIFICATION, SIMILAR TO YOUR PASSPORT OR DRIVERS LICENSE. Under the Certificate Policies governing the issuance and use of certificates offered by IdenTrust, it is our responsibility as an Authorized Certification Authority to revoke the certificate in a case of loss or disclosure of the private key (Password) to anyone other than the subscriber.