Partner Bio
PracticeStudio is one of the longest tenured Certified Electronic Health Record and Practice Management solutions in the industry celebrating more than 30 years in the market. Considered one of the world's best software and services platforms to transform your private practice into a highly productive care center with a complete and seamlessly integrated EHR and Patient Engagement package. PracticeStudio by MicroFour has partnered with IdenTrust to provide you with a DEA compliant Identity proofing and two-factor authentication solution as required by the DEA for Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS).
Choosing Your Certificate
The IGC Prescribing | Basic Assurance | Individual Identity | Software Storage | Mobile Authentication option allows you to store your digital certificate in your browser. This will allow you to manage your EPCS Prescribing mobile devices via your web browser without having to obtain a USB token. To be compliant you are required to use an IGC Prescribing | Basic Assurance | Individual Identity | Software Storage | Mobile Authentication certificate, you can select this option with you press the BUY NOW button to access the Certificate Selection Wizard. This option also performs any vetting that may be required by your provider. When retrieving your certificate, please remember to backup it up.
Other Resources
Special Instructions
To learn more about PracticeStudio (by MicroFour) or our other products, please visit www.micro4.com to schedule a demo, or contact them at:
- Micro4 Contact
- [email protected]
- 806-463-7007
If purchasing a large volume of certificate for your company, please contact [email protected] as further discounts may apply.
Important Information
Please note: ONLY THE SUBSCRIBER OF THE CERTIFICATE SHOULD HAVE EXCLUSIVE USE - THE DIGITAL CERTIFICATE IS YOUR FORM OF IDENTIFICATION, SIMILAR TO YOUR PASSPORT OR DRIVERS LICENSE. Under the Certificate Policies governing the issuance and use of certificates offered by IdenTrust, it is our responsibility as an Authorized Certification Authority to revoke the certificate in a case of loss or disclosure of the private key (Password) to anyone other than the subscriber.