Partner Bio
StreamlineMD, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of PRC Medical, LLC.
We are a technology-enabled business service company serving the healthcare industry. Specifically, we offer cloud-based clinical workflow and revenue cycle management technology and services tailored to meet the specific workflow and business needs of imaging and image-guided procedure specialists, to improve their practice and business performance and help them prosper.
StreamlineMD foresaw the opportunity for increasing specialization within Interventional Image-Guided Procedure specialists and quickly extended its focus to master the workflow needs of Interventional Pain Management procedure specialists. We understand what you do! Rather than trying to be all things to all physicians, StreamlineMD focuses its resources and attention on the needs of Interventional Pain Management procedure specialists. We have an extremely high level of experience and expertise that is unsurpassed in the industry. We know your specialty better than anyone else in the industry.
- Office-Based Practices
- Image-Guide Minimally-Invasive Chronic Pain Treatment Specialists
- EPCS Certified
Choosing Your Certificate
For EPCS Prescribing
StreamlineMD has partnered with IdenTrust to enhance your EPCS experience using the EPCS Prescribing with Mobile Authentication offering, please contact your StreamlineMD representative or visit our website StreamlineMD
Other Resources
Special Instructions
Remember that for your certificate renewal you need to contact your StreamlineMD representative to obtain your certificate renewal.
Important Information
In the case where hardware is issued, ONLY THE SUBSCRIBER OF THE CERTIFICATE SHOULD HAVE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THEIR TOKEN – In all cases, THE DIGITAL CERTIFICATE IS YOUR FORM OF IDENTIFICATION, SIMILAR TO YOUR PASSPORT OR DRIVER’S LICENSE. Under the IGC Certificate Policy, it is our responsibility as an Authorized Certification Authority to revoke the certificate in a case of hardware loss or disclosure or compromise of the private key or any certificate related password to anyone other than the subscriber.